Welcome to ‘Unmuting You’ Life Coaching. 

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery, empowerment, and success? You've come to the right place. At ‘Unmuting You’ Life Coaching, I specialize in guiding migrant women of colour through life's challenges, helping them unlock their full potential and lead a life of purpose.

My mission, is to create a lasting impact for women of colour, who are migrants, to step fully into their own unique and powerful essence. 

Migrant women have been taught to stay small - especially, migrant women of colour - through generations of cultural and societal conditioning. This has been the secure way for them to survive - but these learnings are like shackles, no longer relevant,heavy around their necks.

Migrant women of colour - whether they are single, have a family, work in an organisation, or are stay at home parenting rockstars -  know that they have the potential to break the doubt based living cycle, and to truly unleash the amazing-ness in them - but something stops them. 

I’ve been there, been super terrified of the ‘what’ is stopping me too ! I have grown up, studied, worked and lived in 3 different countries through my formative years, and now am raising my own family here in Australia. I get it, I really do. 

It feels easier to say than to do it because when it comes to unmuted living, sometimes not knowing where to start can keep us stuck and confused.

For a lot of us, we don’t consciously realise how the perfectionist loop cycling in our head tells us all the “shoulds” we’re not achieving. 

“We should care about X, we should be doing Y, we should honour Z above ourselves.” We’re conditioned to care about a path we may not have chosen, carved out of a sense of safety that just doesn’t feel right. As immigrants/migrants and/or as children of immigrants, survival is sometimes the top priority for families.

Talking about emotions, being completely honest, and going off the beaten path of survival is considered a luxury. And thriving ? Thriving isn’t even a consideration until long after generational expectations have been established of ‘what it looks like’ to be considerate of others. So, we end up shrinking into our own shells, and feel all the tangled emotions of shame, guilt, judgement, disillusionment, hurt, abandonment…anger even.

Does this feel familiar ? Does this remind you of something or someone ? Are you ready to invest in yourself, uncover your power and come out the other side all shiny and bright ? I can’t wait to go on this ‘Unmuting You’ journey with you !

Just pop the button below, I will get in touch.

Real Stories, Real Growth:

Migrant Women Share Their 'Unmuting You' Experience

In the spirit of unity and respect, I acknowledge and pay my heartfelt respect to the traditional custodians of Whadjak country, the Noongar people. I stand on this ancient land with deep appreciation for their enduring connection to country, culture, and community. As we gather and work together, may we honor the wisdom of the Noongar elders, past, present, and emerging, and strive to nurture a harmonious relationship with the land, its stories, and its people.